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You could think of METAMORPHOSIS as a re-evolutionary temple of transformation appearing at the meeting place of a number of rivers.
Flowing into its crucible of self-directed and companion supported session work are currents from both transformational and therapy traditions.
Tools integrated from these streams include; body-work, expressive therapies, somatic experiencing, psychodrama, shamanic journeying, active imagination, lucid dreaming, transpersonal and archetypal streaming, cognitive restructuring, breath work, charismatic presencing and more. All of this is mediated by the fundamental power of witnessing with caring aware presence.
It’s a temple that is inhabited by people called to trust the inherent guidance of their own connection with Source. Are you one of them?

METAMORPHOSIS is a programme that weaves the Spiritual Sexual Shamanic traditions of ISTA and the Soul Initiation Temple Trainings with peer based community methods of human awakening such as Co Counselling International, the work of John Heron, and Rex Rafiq’s life-long experience of group work. There are two layers to this training – A powerful journey of self-initiation coupled with the Conscious Co Creation fundamentals skill training, steeped in the ethos of group empowerment HOW Theory and practice are woven together seamlessly in experiential journeying involving solo, paired and group sessions and integrative temple experiences. The liberating power of this work is the combination of your willingness to dive deep into your own structure, while holding the presence of witness to support your connection with source. This capacity to witness is paramount to free ourselves from old habits rather than rerun them as loops in the nervous system. Our internal witness is supported and amplified by the external witness of others. When this quality of witness is embedded in community dedicated to soul awakening we have the ingredients for transformational community life. You will learn to weave between different ways of working: Clearing the emotional body through the arts of regression, discharge and emergence. Unfolding soul emergence and celebration of new states into your life. Opening to transpersonal, archetypal, shamanic and quantum dimensions. Creating chosen futures and life manifestation informed by your connection to Source Creativity and Art as an outpouring of soul, vision and purpose. Restructuring beliefs to free you from reliving the burden of the past.
THE TOOLS We will be learning powerful tools to work with the material of our own lives, digging deep into layers of the body-mind to free Life from the bulk of our functioning that is old unconscious habits based on survival. This skill-set is based in peer and reciprocal methods of community empowerment. It integrates transformational and initiatory approaches with trauma approaches to personal and cultural healing. You will leave with powerful and effective tools for facilitating personal and community empowerment, that will be applicable in all walks of life. They are especially useful for anyone interested in holding space for transformation and awakening, facilitating, leadership, teaching, and the helping professions generally. The training is inspired to support graduates of ISTA and similar initiations with practices to support integration in their lives, tribes and communities.

SELF-INITIATION AND SOUL RECOVERY Awakening in this era primarily calls for self-initiation. What do we mean by self-initiation? It starts with bringing ourselves to the portal of feeling our own soul life. Soulwork points us to a place of essence beneath the personality that carries the deeper purpose of your life. From this perspective it requires taking the power out of personality patterns based on adaptation and survival. It requires interrupting dependency patterns born from the distress of being colonised by the dream of the modern world. Instead we hone tools and skills for accurately tracking our own unique soul note, to free our expression in the world. This is a journey into WHO AM I, accessed by diving into the unconscious, through embodiment, and integration of the feeling, imaginal and archetypal layers of our being, and connecting with source and our innate divinity. Soul recovery involves finding the gold in the frozen parts of our emotional body. We can mine this gold and focus with clarity on who we are and what we are creating, while washing off that which doesn’t serve.
WHO IS IT FOR? For the change agents, renegades, and torchbearers of the new paradigm. For leaders, cultural architects and community catalysts wanting to awaken collective forms of empowerment. For all who want to land in their body. For anyone who has taken the red pill. For all who are carrying a piece of the puzzle that joins us to the Great Life. This journey is for those who are no longer waiting for external authority to define them, who are ready to authorise their own life, and who want to transmit this capacity to others. METAMORPHOSIS is for people willing to drop out of the triangle of victim, rescuer and perpetrator that holds a tight grip on humanities condition personally and politically. We consciously choose the role of CREATOR to unlock our highest potential, unveil our essential purpose, and focus our contribution to the world. Do you feel you are part of a global transformation of consciousness? We know ourselves as spiritual, sexual and shamanic beings ready to use our life force for the evolution of our culture. We work with denser matter (earth powers, embodiment) as well as visions and dreams (spirit powers, liminal states) in order to become creators of the life we envision. This process supports access to unconscious layers of our being. Through rewriting and recreating our own source codes we emerge with an updated creation story of our life. In the spirit of self-initiation we unlock portals to our essence and become agents of a new paradigm of love and empowerment on this planet.

WHAT TO EXPECT CHANGE The spirit of these times is change. In a world where known parameters are dropping away at increasing speed, the capacity to be able to live in moment by moment creation is a requirement for soul centred activists and change agents. Change is also the key note of this program. This is a journey to break out of your old shells and morph into a new state of being, embodying change as a living example. Because you will leave with these tools in your bones this journey will have a lasting effect of how you walk in the world. Learn the red thread of shape-shifting, knowing that where your attention is placed your life will emerge. Mastering the art of diving into a theme for its alchemical essence. Digging deep into the emotional layers of the body-mind and the unconscious. Working with tools spanning from intensive to subtle, reframing trauma as soul making. Releasing and healing what no longer serves and emerging with insight and new direction. This includes meeting and integrating powers waiting for you in your shadow. You will learn how to enter shamanically into any phenomena you experience in yourself, both intense and subtle, and how to emerge with the gold that is waiting for you. As we bring consciousness and intention to our existence, creative life force begins to flow into areas crystallised in old belief systems. Cathartic embodiment opens energy streams to wash through stored contractions. Activating a feeling sense of an emergent state focuses our biology to manifest it. Now we can harness the impulses of the creator within and align will for manifestation of what we were born to be. POWER We will be in a living laboratory learning the building blocks of power beyond hierarchy, where empowerment is unfolded between us in a mutually held field. The training interrupts deeply embedded conditioning around power and reveals templates for sharing power in the new paradigm. We create a culture that reclaims the art of meaning making back to everyone’s direct connection to Source, and offer a template for self-directed transformational work and living in radical self-responsibility. The essence of power in this training is peer to peer and reciprocal. You learn session work where you shape shift between CREATOR of your own life’s journey and COMPANION for others exploration. A simple contract informs the process, opening to spiritual dimensions of consent. ABOUT TRAUMA We will work with trauma from the perspective of soul, mastering tools spanning between intense and cathartic to subtle and soothing. Because we are recovering frozen parts of soul from places where we felt overpowered, and clearing the conditioning and patterns stemming from there, we go at our own pace, trusting our own guidance. We learn pathways to liberate the released energy for our life and align our will for manifesting what we were born to be. NOTE. Participants will need to be able to offer attention to others, ie not sunken in their own process to the extent that they cannot shift to be fully present with others process. It is therefore not suitable for those currently transitioning deep depression, or currently deep in processing core trauma, or medicated to the extent their feeling function is inhibited. INTEGRATION OF ISTA PROGRAM INTO COMMUNITY LIFE The training aims to support the Integrating of programs such as the International School of Temple Arts (ISTA) programs into everyday life. Transmissions such as ISTA catalyse the awakening of love and personal power and are a doorway into community. Conscious Co Creation (CCC) supports it to land in our fields by fostering communities of people skilled with tools and processes to support each other’s power to emerge. It gives frameworks and experience for self-leadership and facilitation, of empowered relating, working together processing core issues, accurate contracting and consent, aware negotiation of sexual attraction, and building blocks for transformational community. It can be described as a decentralised integration of ISTA program, with the vision to nurture tribe with collaborative tools that aim at witnessing and growing each other’s soul emergence. SEXUALITY How do we create erotically alive communities, and hold sex positive ideals in a field of shared power? We value and welcome the medicine of Eros as part of life and will co create protocols around sexual interaction that can become models for life in community. We will also work with guidelines for aware negotiation of sexual attraction that will support your understanding and integration of hidden layers of motivation fuelling sexual attraction. COMMUNITY This re-evolutionary process supports non-hierarchical community evolution with processes needed to show up for each other’s liberation. We co create culture with the focus on the power between us and a feeling for Allyship that includes our diversity and interrupts hidden separation. It is said that the guru of the future is the group. Here we practice a relational and horizontal path of spirituality, where divinity is experienced in the I/Thou space between humans, not only alone at the altar as in vertical paths. We will be learning technology and honing skills of group awareness, recognising the divinity of the space between, and tasting group soul. The training will climax with a Co Creation Temple integrating all that has been learned. Additional community tools include learning to track current interpersonal and transpersonal projection to its source and release it, unravelling how past experiences can project into current relating. Plus maps of political dimensions of decision making for community and new paradigm businesses.
MEET REX RAFIQ A native New Zealander with Global and Sufi heart, Rex has been leading transformational programmes for over 30 years. Founder of Essentially Men/Men Being Real, the ground breaking men’s initiation work of Aotearoa New Zealand, co-founder of the Heart Politics Gatherings and author of Fatherless Sons (Harper Collins) and On Their Own (Finch) he is trained in group work, psychodrama, expressive therapies, peer counselling and has a masters in Social Ecology focused on Ecological Psychology. He loves people, has deep respect for the genius in each of us, and favours self-help and peer modalities for empowering us to integrate the difficult experiences of arriving and growing on this planet, which are popularly called trauma. He has been involved in such work since he was 24 when the hidden pain of his father’s death at nine years old erupted into his awareness. The learning from that experience acutely honed his study of emotional healing, and the pathways for supporting people to trust themselves through whatever intensity life brings them. His experience has been honed from working extensively with initiation and training in all kinds of settings from the wilderness to corporations, prisons to ashrams, and anywhere in the community people are showing up for transformation. Over his life he has explored many mystery traditions, shamanistic practices and spiritual enquiry methods. Strongly influenced by feminism in his early 20’s his outer world expressions have been diverse - from a young hunter living in the wilderness, to activism, street theatre, trainer, community catalyst, CEO of an NGO, facilitation and training facilitators. He has a solid reputation for leading potent rites of passage and known for his wise and playful style and ability to hold people with love while they shed their skin. Rex Rafiq has stopped trying to improve himself - instead he turned to loving the life force that is living him, and the deep wisdom and guidance of nature that informs his body. He teaches with ISTA because it’s a crucible of diverse traditions meeting in ways that have never met before, and he loves serving the unique culture of transformation that is emerging there, and meeting the current challenges as it interfaces with a wider world both fearful of and hungry for its medicine of initiation. He is nomadic, with bases in New Zealand and on the mystical Greek Island of Samothraki, where he is part of fostering an emergence of Soul Initiation Temples.

"I did not expect this workshop to be so profound. It gave me so much more than expected. Metamorphosis gave me a missing piece of understanding the ISTA tools and a way to keep remembering the cosmic source in a sustaninable way. The expansion I experienced through this week is undescribable with words. I received a valuable tool that I will use to claim rememberance, presence." Klemen
"Must-have initiatory tools for the how to be a human tool-kit. Powerful work that helps us to be self-directing in our life, integrating and expanding on what we learned at ISTA. The work brought me greater intimacy with myself and experience of myself as divine in human body." Ananda
"A journey into accesing the deeper part of my third dimensional incarnated self. And learning tools as to how to process these deeper parts of myself. And learn how to act upon these when appropriate. This would greatly support the work of soul level, higher consciousness into third dimensional reality. Instead of it being top down (embodying soul level consciousness) this is bottom up (embodiment in order to obtain soul level conscuousness) To me both approaches support one another and have helped me create greater alignment and create greater fluidity and abundance.
To friends and family I would add: the program helped me process and work through present life trauma by increasing consciousness about this trauma throughout my body and dimensions. And help integrate healing. For me this is perfect confirmation of the process I began in ISTA. Most particularly integrating into my body, becoming aware and listening to my body. Particularly active and receptive presence and regression, discharge and emotional release tools. Communicating what I am feeling in a respectful and authentic manner. Being present to the moment. The gift of the co-created space. The cocreating space was particularly valuable and something that would have benefitted my ISTA experience. " Ariane
"Groundbreaking. Important. Life-changing. Potential. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity. Made ISTA practical - I can use this." Mark
"Remembering my body as part of the cosmos. Feeling vibration of the group. Trusting to follow the flow instead of my head. Let vibrations in my body be my guidance. Magic and mystery of time. How easy it is to open a space for process work on an eye-to-eye Level. Value of group work. " I feel peace. Deep silence within. Trust. I remember my inner guidance. A reflection of the cosmos inside my human body. I learned how to reveal and release blockages to remember the pureness of my being. Expressing hidden feelings, fear anger or grief in such a loving co-created space has been deeply healing. I feel the love of the collective. Feel their vibrations within me and my vibrations within them. In deep gratitude "" Jolin
""A very firm, intense, intelligent, transformative program for those who want to reconnect with source more in their lifes. Very well structured and broad spectrum of tools and entrances to conscious work. An amazing new vision on cosmic and conscious living. Creates a clear(er) frame to apply the teachings and tools of ISTA. Opens possiblities to bring it into life and action to vibrate it deeper and to land it into being. Brings ISTA teachings to life and life to ISTA teachings." Monique
"An amazing set of tools for self-inquiry and gaining insight as well as freeing from beliefs." Ohad
""I am so very grateful to have found this very powerful container and able to participate. It is very safe. I found all the tools incredibly useful and the rituals and temples have for the first time in my life fulfilled a deep longing for spontaneously emergent sacredness in ritual. I wholeheartedly recommend this training to anyone who is commited to inner growth, creating a life that is aligned with their highest truth and being and co-creating the world that we all feel a desire for in the depth of our being." Sabah
"This program helped me feel again my heart and body after long numbness. I am being able to open my heart for grieving for my father. This program is like a push for me to start a new life I want to create." Dee
"A deep synchronistic transmission -achieving deeper in my being the codes of (co)creation and sovereignty. It felt important on my path. A new dimension added to my already existing cocreation paradigm of love and community. Trusting the resonant inspiration towards soul-path-manifestation. Temple collective, effortless emergence. Streaming into life, becoming. A map of different dimensions, streaming, receiving, following, dissolving, restructuring. Coming into being in every moment. Trusting inner guidance, influx of inspiration. Opening the channel to let transmission come through. Listening to it and taking inspired action. Felt like deepening tools for self-initiation. Stepping into self-responsibility and social hygiene - community." Devie
"The intense therapy program I was looking for - shadow hunting, trauma release, acting with my
new self. Very impressed by Rex wisdom, experience and leadership." Lion
"Incredibly valuably seeds have been planted and insights uncovered from the mud of restricting beliefs. I dropped into the sacredness and emergence of life in the temple spaces in a whole different way in this container. During the ISTA the focus was so much on sexuality that I was not yet able to see the openness of temple spaces for pure life, divinity, manifestation of source into matter, obviously including eros and sensuality but simply as one aspect of everyting. Also helped me generally to bring the ISTA tools into my everyday life and everyday challenges." Maren
"Amazing work to all that want to work more on a real connection to herself. Having tools to rewrite our nervous system and face the inner wounds." Anonymous
""A call to all fellow cosmonauts. There is something in this work for everyone because it is life itself. I am grounding the call in my body looking up to the stars, I am listening and hearing everything. I am remembering there is so much joy in being born. Power of self-directed processing. collapsing hierarchies, and finding new ways to empower each other. Remembering that we all have everything in each of us all the time. Sometimes it is helpful to have the presence and attention to move with whats alive and give the presence and attention to myself. Cosmopolitan. A deeper understanding of my core wounds and underlying patterns." Bridget
"Enabled me to dig deeper and connect to my source, as well as tools to continue the digging on a day to day." Luis
"A container to work with any challenges at all and transform it in a self-authored / self-responsible / self-initiating way. It provides powerful tools and nurturing context to enable very deep transformation or giving each individual all the space to address precisely their very individual challenge. I see a lot of value in that openness paired with very practical tools that you can take into your everyday life to nurtue continuous unfolding of yourself and your surrounding." Maren
"A retreat where we came together to work as powerful beings to share and dedicate time and attention in order to explore a deeper embodiment, feeling and remembering of our own resources and cosmic being. An exploration of non-hierarchical self-directed, self-empowered healing potential of community ." Anonymous
"I'd love to thank Rex and Ashisha for what you guys have done in Metamorphosis. 2 days before going to Berlin, Bridget and I had our first ever permanent separation talk, my heart was bleeding during that… Since she came back we're endlessly talking & sharing and I started feeling things towards her that I have long forgotten. What a beautiful transformation!!! Nothing makes me happier than seeing her lighter, happier, in her power, in her center. She's blossoming and I believe there's even more that's still waiting to open up. I really hope you repeat this program again so I can join this time if it calls me. Thank you again." message from Bridgets husband after her participation in Metamorphosis